Monday 7 November 2016

The Disney Tag!

So as some of you may know i kinda sorta love disney a lot, i saw a blogpost recently of someone doing a Disney tag and i thought this tag was made for me! It contains 9 questions and i love reading these and finding out what parts of Disney are peoples favourites, so i thought i'll give this a bash. 

1. What's your favourite Disney film?
This is such a hard question for me cause i love most Disney films but if i had to narrow it down it's gotta be 3 classic 90's Disney films which is Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin and The Lion King. I sound so generic but Aladdin is the best for laughs!

2. What Disney Movie's scene would you have loved to of lived?
Again this is a super hard one because honestly i'd love to be in every Disney movie, but i would love to live the scene in Tangled when Rapunzel and Flynn are sat watching the lanterns in the sky and then they let off their own. I think its so sweet and romantic i'd love to be in that moment it would be truly beautiful.

3. If you were a prince who would you be?
If i was a prince i would definitely be a mix of Flynn Rider and Aladdin they are both hilarious and like to take risks and have adventures but also have that down to earth and caring side to them.

4. If you were a princess who would you be?
This is super easy for me i'd be Belle i love reading, i look like her a bit and i also don't people on their exteriors i always focus on whats on the inside. 

5. Who do you look like the most? 
As i said i feel like i look the most like Belle and we have very similar personalities.  Belle likes to be independent and show that just because she's a girl doesn't mean she will be restricted and i am the exact same and i'm very for women's rights.

6. If you could choose a Disney Character to be your friend who would it be?
This is a really hard one but i think if i had too choose i'd love to be friends with Peter Pan and Pocahontas. Peter because its my dream to one the technology to improve and we could all fly everywhere and i feel like we would go on a amazing adventures and Pocahontas because she could teach me how to feel truly free and help me appreciate the world more.

7. A Disney scene that makes you cry every time without fail?
This is an easy one for me without fail i cannot watch Bambi anymore because of the scene when his mother dies and also in the Lion King when Mufassa dies the both make me bawl out crying like Disney no! Why you do this to me.

8. Which Disney film have the you seen the most?
I re-watch a lot of classic 90's Disney movies quite often they are my favourite but I'd say i have watched Aladdin most as i can remember nearly word for word! (Totally not sad at all) 

9.  What's your favourite Disney song? 
This is such a hard one cause i love at least one song from every Disney classic but if i really really had to choose it would be either Prince Ali from Aladdin or Part of Your World from the Little Mermaid or Little Town (Belle) from Beauty and the Beast ugh i really can't choose I'm sorry lovelies.

So there you have it the Disney Tag even though it took some time and some serious thinking i finally made it too the end! I really hope you guys did enjoy this blog post i'll be posting again in a few days so stay tuned.

Grace xxx

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