Friday 4 November 2016

Back to Blogging!

So after nearly 2 years of not blogging i have decided to bite the bullet and start it up again as i love reading and writing blogs. I have so much planned for this blog, especially in the month of December (hint hint Christmas blog posts) and i'll also being doing Vlogmas on my youtube channel! I've totally changed up the blog from previous and i've tried to get it to look like i want it to as much as i can, but i love disney and i couldn't think of a name so i just went with Disney Princess Grace taking inspiration from one of my favourite Disney instagramer's @disneyprincessbex please go check her out her Instagram is amazing if you love Disney!, even in a blog post i still manage to ramble honestly i'm something else. Anyways Grace getting to the point, this blog is going to be me writing about things i love in the hope you guys can relate they will be things like make-up, beauty, disney, skincare , lifestyle and advice and maybe if your lucky and i succeed at it some baking blog posts because I'm a huge fan of GBBO so i want to try myself this year. I am most excited for my December christmas blogs posts!

I hope you guys did enjoy this first post back and don't think it was too much of a ramble.

Lots of love,

Grace xxx

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